تحميل فايبر APK الروبوت
Viber for Windows lets you send free messages and make free calls to other Viber users, on any device and network, in any country! Viber syncs your contacts, messages and call history with your mobile device.
- Best-quality HD voice calls
- Video calls
- Text, photo and sticker messages
- Full sync between your mobile and Windows
- Transfer ongoing calls between devices
Title: | Viber Messenger v7.9.2.10 apk android |
Filename: | Viber-Messenger_v7.9.2.10.apk |
File size: | 35.82MB |
Requirements: | Android |
Languages: | لغات متعددة - Multiple languages |  |
License: | مجانية - Freeware |
Date added: | 2017/12/07 |
Author: | viber viber.com