النسخة الجديدة فيديو بوث


Video Booth

تاريخ: 2017/09/25 By Video Booth (محاكمة التجارية - Commercial Trial)
Attention: This software isn't completely free
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النسخة الجديدة فيديو بوث

Video Booth is a great little application if you like to edit your own video for fun. It gives you the ability to take snapshots and video clips both quickly and with minimal fuss. Not only can you take snapshots and video but Video Booth also has a small array of effects, so you can customize your photos and videos as you see fit.

The interface of Video Booth has the look and basic operations of a standard digital camera. The icons are located at the bottom left of the display, which allow you to switch from still photos to video, and then you can add effects to your photos and videos as you see fit.

Video Booth also makes it easy to upload photos and videos to video media sites such as YouTube, or social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Overall Video Booth is a relatively small application that is fairly lightweight and easy to use, thanks to it's standard interface. If you enjoy editing video and having a play around with some effects, then give Video Booth a try.

تقني - Technical
Video Booth
File size:
Windows (All Versions)
لغات متعددة - Multiple languagesVideo Booth
محاكمة التجارية - Commercial Trial
Date added:
Video Booth

أحدث تحديثات

2019/05/14 - NSIS 3.03
2019/05/13 - iTunes (32bit)
2019/05/13 - iTunes (64-bit)
2019/05/13 - Mozilla Firefox 67.0 Beta 19 64-bit
2019/05/13 - Firefox 67.0 Beta 19 32-bit
2019/05/13 - KMPlayer
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