Последний DriverEasy
DriverEasy has been designed to automatically detect, download and fix
driver issues on your PC. Once completed, the result is a more stable PC with enhanced and improved performance.
DriverEasy can update and maintain your Windows PC's drivers automatically
with a few clicks. The app scans your PC for out-of-date, missing, and mismatched drivers and downloads and installs the up-to-date versions.
DriverEasy creates automatic restore points and driver backups and then it allows you to schedule scans and install drivers individually or all at once. Overall, DriverEasy is very simple to use, has a quick system analysis function and can automatically download and update your system's drivers. The downside is that it may not fully work with all PC manufacturer components and the driver updates are limited in the free trial version of the app.
Title: | DriverEasy |
Filename: | DriverEasy_Setup.exe |
File size: | 3.92MB |
Requirements: | Windows (All Versions) |
Languages: | Несколько языков - Multiple languages | |
License: | Коммерческая Судебная - Commercial Trial |
Date added: | 2018/09/02 |
Author: | Easeware Technology drivereasy.com