Nouvelle version Maker Setup DCP

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DCP Setup Maker 1.3.0

Date: 2018/01/20 By jackred (Open Source)
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Nouvelle version Maker Setup DCP

DCP Setup Maker is a powerful cross platform application that is able to create stable Java installers. The user interface is very intuitive and is very easy to get to grips with. With DCP Setup Maker you will be able to build complex installers with large amounts of files.

You need to follow three steps to build your package; Scan, Set and Tweak. First off, scan the directory containing the files you would like to include in your package. Next, you need to set the parameters for your packs, including what must be executed. Finally, tweak the final custom settings for your application to be ready.

Key features include:

  • Make complex installers in a short period of time.
  • Powerful multi-platform installers.
  • Centralized web based installers.
  • Flexible customization of the software.
  • Advanced IzPack/Chocolatey integration.

DCP Setup Maker has a wizard like interface that encompasses the entire process, so even lightly skilled or novice programmers will be able to use this application. The build process is accomplished by filling in fields and setting up files to finally construct your package.

Overall, DCP Setup Maker is a relatively lightweight application that has powerful features wrapped around an intuitive, wizard framework that is easy to use.

Technique - Technical
DCP Setup Maker 1.3.0
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Windows (All Versions)
Plusieurs langues - Multiple languagesDCP Setup Maker 1.3.0
Open Source
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2019/05/14 - NSIS 3.03
2019/05/13 - iTunes (32bit)
2019/05/13 - iTunes (64-bit)
2019/05/13 - Mozilla Firefox 67.0 Beta 19 64-bit
2019/05/13 - Firefox 67.0 Beta 19 32-bit
2019/05/13 - KMPlayer
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